Abstract : This work investigates the microscopic spray characteristic of diesel-gasoline blended fuels by using PDPAsystem. The atomization characteristics of blended fuels compared with the characteristics of droplet size of gasoline and diesel fuel at various axial and radial distances. Test injector has a single hole with a diameter 0.3mm and a nozzle length of 0.8mm. It was revealed that the local droplet size (SMD) decreased as the gasoline blending ratio increased, because the low kinematic viscosity and low surface tension of gasoline in the blended fuel induced the promotion of active droplet breakup. The results shows that the overall SMD of gasoline blended diesel fuels decreased in the initial stage of the injection compared to that of diesel fuel. Also, the spray characteristics and their parameters of diesel-gasoline blended fuels were discussed.
논문제목 : 디젤-가솔린 혼합연료의 분무 미립화 특성에 관한 연구
저자 : 박세원, 이동곤, 박수한, 노현구, 박성욱, 이창식
발표자 : 박세원
2012년 자동차공학회 부분종합학술대회
일시 : 2012년 5월 31일 (목) ~ 6월 1일 (금)
장소 : 현대호텔 (경주)
주관 : 자동차공학회
Abstract : This work investigates the microscopic spray characteristic of diesel-gasoline blended fuels by using PDPAsystem. The atomization characteristics of blended fuels compared with the characteristics of droplet size of gasoline and diesel fuel at various axial and radial distances. Test injector has a single hole with a diameter 0.3mm and a nozzle length of 0.8mm. It was revealed that the local droplet size (SMD) decreased as the gasoline blending ratio increased, because the low kinematic viscosity and low surface tension of gasoline in the blended fuel induced the promotion of active droplet breakup. The results shows that the overall SMD of gasoline blended diesel fuels decreased in the initial stage of the injection compared to that of diesel fuel. Also, the spray characteristics and their parameters of diesel-gasoline blended fuels were discussed.