국내학술지[2011년 12월] 류봉우, 이창식 "다유체 모델을 이용한 노즐 내부 유동에 대한 수치적 연구" [2011년 12월] 액체미립화학회

논문제목 : A Numerical Analysis of Internal Nozzle Flows Through the Multi-Fluid Model

저    자 : Bong Woo Ryu and Chang Sik Lee

논문정보 : JOURNAL OF ILASS-KOREA VOL. 16 NO. 4 (2011)

게재연월: 2011년 12월

Abstract: This study performed the numerical analysis of the internal nozzle flows including cavitation phenomena by using the automated body-fitted grid generator and the multi-fluid model. The effect of grid refinement and the validation of multifluid model were investigated using four computational meshes under two test conditions. The mesh #3 was chosen as the optimum which can reduce the computational time and have good prediction ability to identify the cavitation region simultaneously. In addition, the computed results using multi-fluid model were compared with the reference experimental observations and numerical simulation results using homogeneous equilibrium model. From the distribution of volume fraction and velocity field, the multi-fluid model predicted the internal nozzle flows well when the liquid quality parameters were selected as 1.0×1012 for initial number density and 25 μm for bubble diameter.