논문제목 : Effect of Equivalence Ratio on the Combustion Charncteristics in a a Engine Fueled with BiodieseI
저 자 : Mingu Kang, Seokjoo Kwon, Junepyo Cha, Young-Kwan Lim, Sungwook Park and Chang Sik Lee
논문정보 : 한국연소학회 학회지 16권 3호 pp52-58
게재연월 : 2011년 8월
요약 : The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of equivalence ratio on the combllstion and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine fueled with biodiesel. In this research, a single-cylinder direct injection engine with 373.3 cc of displacement vollune was tested on DC dynamometer. Ln order to investigate the effect of biodiesel eqll ivalence ratio on combllstion characteri stics, the experiments were condllcted at variolls eq비 valen ce ratios and injection pressllres of 40- 120 MPa. For in vestigating engine perfonnance, lambda meter was connected and eqlli valence ratios was varied from 0.6 to 1.0. Ln addition, the exhallst emiss ions sllch as oxides of nitrogen(NOx), hydrocarbon(HC) and carbon monoxide(CO) were measured by exhallst gas analyzer lInder the variolls air/ fl.lel ratios. The experil1lental results show that l1laxi l1lul1l lMEP was l1leasured at the 0.8 of eqllivalence ratio. Furtherl1lore, NOx el1l ission was rapidly decreased as the increase of equivalence ratio. However soot el1lissioll was significantly increased according to the increase of equivalence ratio
논문제목 : Effect of Equivalence Ratio on the Combustion Charncteristics in a
a Engine Fueled with BiodieseI
저 자 : Mingu Kang, Seokjoo Kwon, Junepyo Cha, Young-Kwan Lim, Sungwook Park and Chang Sik Lee
논문정보 : 한국연소학회 학회지 16권 3호 pp52-58
게재연월 : 2011년 8월
요약 : The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of equivalence ratio on the combllstion and emission
characteristics of a compression ignition engine fueled with biodiesel. In this research, a single-cylinder direct
injection engine with 373.3 cc of displacement vollune was tested on DC dynamometer. Ln order to investigate
the effect of biodiesel eqll ivalence ratio on combllstion characteri stics, the experiments were condllcted at
variolls eq비 valen ce ratios and injection pressllres of 40- 120 MPa. For in vestigating engine perfonnance,
lambda meter was connected and eqlli valence ratios was varied from 0.6 to 1.0. Ln addition, the exhallst
emiss ions sllch as oxides of nitrogen(NOx), hydrocarbon(HC) and carbon monoxide(CO) were measured by
exhallst gas analyzer lInder the variolls air/ fl.lel ratios. The experil1lental results show that l1laxi l1lul1l lMEP
was l1leasured at the 0.8 of eqllivalence ratio. Furtherl1lore, NOx el1l ission was rapidly decreased as the
increase of equivalence ratio. However soot el1lissioll was significantly increased according to the increase of
equivalence ratio