Title : 승용 디젤 엔진에서 분사 전략이 배출 가스 및 엔진 성능에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
Author : 노현구, 이두진, 이창식
논문정보 : 한국자동차 공학회 논문집, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 99-105
게재연월 : 2011년 4월
Abstract : This paper described the effect of the multiple injections on the emission characteristics and combustion stability in a common rail diesel engine. In order to investigate the influence of multiple injections in a passenger car diesel engine, the injection strategy was varied with pilot injection, post injection and one main injection at various conditions. Based on the experimental results, the combustion and emissions characteristics were analyzed for the various injection strategies such as main, pilot-main, double-pilot-main, double-pilot-main-post injection strategy. It is revealed that the NOX, HC and CO emissions are reduced by double pilot and post injection at medium load, however, soot emission is increased. Also, in the case of multiple injection, the combustion pressure is increased smoothly near the TDC and the coefficient of variation and fuel consumptions are decreased.
Title : 승용 디젤 엔진에서 분사 전략이 배출 가스 및 엔진 성능에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
Author : 노현구, 이두진, 이창식
논문정보 : 한국자동차 공학회 논문집, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 99-105
게재연월 : 2011년 4월
Abstract : This paper described the effect of the multiple injections on the emission characteristics and combustion stability in a common rail diesel engine. In order to investigate the influence of multiple injections in a passenger car diesel engine, the injection strategy was varied with pilot injection, post injection and one main injection at various conditions. Based on the experimental results, the combustion and emissions characteristics were analyzed for the various injection strategies such as main, pilot-main, double-pilot-main, double-pilot-main-post injection strategy. It is revealed that the NOX, HC and CO emissions are reduced by double pilot and post injection at medium load, however, soot emission is increased. Also, in the case of multiple injection, the combustion pressure is increased smoothly near the TDC and the coefficient of variation and fuel consumptions are decreased.