국외학술대회[2019년 12월] Minhoo Choi, Jaeyeop Seo, Sungwook Park, "Combustion And Emission Characteristics Of Micro-Pilot Injection Dual-Fuel Engine"
04763 서울특별시 성동구 왕십리로 222, 공업센터별관 205-2호
Tel. 02-2220-0430 Fax. 02-2220-4588 E-mail. parks@hanyang.ac.kr
December 21-23, 2019 Ube, Japan, ILASS ASIA (Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems)
Title : Combustion And Emission Characteristics Of Micro-Pilot Injection Dual-Fuel Engine
Authors : Minhoo Choi, Jaeyeop Seo, Sungwook Park
Speaker : Minhoo Choi