국외학술대회[2017년 10월] J. Park, D. Kim, H. Kwon, J. Lee, S. Lee(Hyundai Motor Company, Korea), S. Park, "Effects of Nozzle Design Parameters of a Common-Rail Diesel Injector …"
04763 서울특별시 성동구 왕십리로 222, 공업센터별관 205-2호
Tel. 02-2220-0430 Fax. 02-2220-4588 E-mail. parks@hanyang.ac.kr
October 18-20, 2017 Jeju, Korea, ILASS Asia (Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems)
Title : Effects of Nozzle Design Parameters of a Common-Rail Diesel Injector on Nozzle Flow and Spray Characteristics
Authors : Junkyu Park, Donghwan Kim (Hanyang Univ., Korea), Hyuckmo Kwon, Joonkyu Lee, Sohong Lee (Hyundai Motor Company, Korea), Sungwook Park
Speaker : Junkyu Park